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Out of the Ashes (William Johnstone) - Скачать книгу
Электронная книга – Out of the Ashes автора – William Johnstone. Вы можете скачать книгу Out of the Ashes, воспользовавшись ссылкой внизу страницы. Архив содержит TXT, DOC, PDF форматы книги Out of the Ashes.

The worst-case scenario has come to pass: a nuclear strike has crippled America. Gangs, looters, and vandals have seized the streets. The decent few can only pray for a leader to protect them. Luckily, one of the survivors is Ben Raines. Rebel mercenary, retired soldier, and tireless patriot, Raines is searching for his missing family in the aftermath of this devastating war. His relentless pursuit through the ruined cities of the west unites him with the civilians of the Resistance forces. They become his recruits for a revolutionary army dedicated to rebuilding America. Then comes the final outrage: an armed attack by government forces. With the fate of America’s New Patriots hanging in the balance, Raines vows—government be damned—to survive, find his family, and lead this once great nation out of the ashes.

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Категория: Постапокалипсис | Добавил: gucinaveronika (24.11.2013)
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